Saturday, July 5, 2008

Finding Joy

Joy is something we all want, but very difficult to put our hands around. Isaiah, the prophet says that Joy comes from God's oil. Leviticus 21:10-12 describes 3 things that bring the this anointing oil. Verse 10 tells us that we need to keep our head covered. I believe that Scripture is teaching the power of submitting to authority. Verse 11 declares that we should not touch anything dead. God wants us to be alive. Faith without works is dead. Have belief working with action is life. Finally, verse 12 communicates to us that we should not leave the sanctuary. Remain Faithful is the key.
If we do these things the anointing oil will flow on our lives and we will have lasting joy.


Code Red said...

"Have belief working with action is life".- This is awesome, simple and true

Anonymous said...

I am so sadden by this news, my heart is breaking for Gertrude.But i know Billy is with Jesus, this gives me hope