The Bible talks in great detail about dreams. When I think about dreams, Joseph immediately comes to my mind. God gave him a dream that changed the course of his families as well as the nation of Israel's destiny. It brought great difficulties to him before it proved true but God really spoke through the dream.
I have really enjoyed having people in our church that are trained to interpret dreams. It is amazing the doors of ministry it has opened for the church to reach out into the community as well as meet need among our own congregation. What I have discovered is, God is really speaking to us through dreams.
While I don't claim to be one who has completed the course on dream interpretation, I do believe God gave me insight to a dream I had recently and its application. I have shared it with the congregation and now want to post it here on the blog site.
I saw 3 white cars in a beautiful parking lot. All 3 cars were in great shape but one was an older body style, one was current and the final one looked futuristic. All of a sudden there was a mass of people, that I only saw from the back, running to get into the cars. The cars cranked and got ready to move. Suddenly, the older one blew up and steam and liquid spewed from under the hood. The other two cars left the parking lot while the one was stranded. The people riding in that car got out and I saw several things. Some were upset and yelling while others were in pain.
The Lord spoke to me several days later about it's meaning. I have been diligently praying daily for increase in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and God revealed to me that this was a word of wisdom given to me in a night vision for our church body.
God said that anyone holding onto past things as the way to move forward would find themselves; burned, frustrated and stranded. I can think of many things in the natural to use as examples or illustrations but the Lord said that was all I needed to say.
I find often times that I get myself stuck dwelling on yesterday's provision. I need to cling to God's provision for today only. This has re energized my prayer life. I want to be found seeking God on a daily basis so God can keep me moving forward. I do want to remind myself of God's past faithfulness but at the same time, seek him for new provision today.
I am discovering that His mercies really are new everyday. Designed specifically for what today brings.
I encourage us to have a new experience with our Heavenly Father today. It will propel us forward.
Be Blessed,
Pastor Kevin
1 comment:
You got that right Pastor! I have regrets and things in the past about decisions that I made that I beat myself up for but I know now the path I took wasn't the right path by the world's standards but it was the path God used to teach me things and let me fail so I would get up and surrender to him. Too often I loose sight of what God did for me in the past, I've recently started keeping a list of God's past faithfulness and it's helped me see that God has been all over my life, even when I didn't see him. He was there all the time, Love you PK.
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