Wednesday, October 15, 2008


"No one pours new wine into old wineskins." Mark 2:22 NIV

Jon Walker writes: "A few miles from my house there's a convenience store that went through a make-over. However, the employees may have missed the make-over memo. The kid behind the counter wore a new uniform...but he also wore the same sullen look I'd seen before. It made me think about how we try to put new wine into old wineskins.

Jesus says we're bound to fail because 'the wine will burst the skins and both...will be ruined.' But don't we, do the same, when it comes to our Christian walk? The new wine of honesty-at-work, poured into the old wineskin of cutting corners. The new wine of unconditional love, poured into the old wineskin of hatred for the family two doors down. The new wine of worship, poured into the old wineskin of idolizing money, power, music or the latest video game. The new wine of Bible study, poured into the old wineskin of 'gotta-go-pop-tart-for-breakfast' busyness. The new wine of humility, poured into the old wineskin of conceit. The new wine of forgiveness, poured into the old wineskin of bitterness. The new wine of others first, poured into the old wineskin of selfish ambition. The new wine of joy, poured into the old wineskin of jealousy and factions. The new wine of peace, poured into the old wineskin of discord."

Any of these ring a bell? If they do, it's time we asked God to help us abandon the old wineskins of carnality and make us a strong, new, clean vessel. As a new creation, we're no longer defined by old behaviors; you're defined by your relationship with Christ.

So I vote for CHANGE!!! Out with the old and in with the new!



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