Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It’s amazing what can be accomplished when all the normal routines and distractions are removed. In quietness and rest, we can hear God with real clarity. We hear Him speak about our destiny and give us comfort and encouragement in our struggles. Maybe that’s why God told us to rest weekly, just sayin! This past week, I had the chance to get away to the mountains of North Carolina for rest and golf. When I first arrived, the mountain cabin we reserved had a broken air conditioner and it was hotter than… (I’ll let you fill in the blank). The room they moved us to was significantly bigger, but more remote. More remote, on the side of an already remote mountain seemed way to remote. Did I tell you it was remote? Because it was. The 15 inch TV had non-functioning rabbit ears. So, I decided it was a great opportunity to talk to the Lord.

The first night, I ran across a passage of scripture that really encouraged me. Psalm 13:5-6, “I've thrown myself headlong into your arms —
I'm celebrating your rescue. (6) I'm singing at the top of my lungs, I'm so full of answered prayers.” (THE MESSAGE.) David is in the middle of several chapters of telling God how hopeless and bad the circumstances are. His conclusion is this; when you have a ton of trouble and feel like your enemy has looked down his nose at you long enough, totally trust (I've thrown myself headlong into your arms) and worship loudly (I'm singing at the top of my lungs) your Heavenly Father. The result is awesome: we celebrate His rescue and are full of His answered prayers. Sounds like a dance party to me! Remember, God is still at work in your life. Keep your hopes up. Keep expecting. Keep believing. And find a remote mountain somewhere.


Pastor Kevin

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